An English version can be seen once you click (single-click) this map. If this map is double-clicked, it will return to a Japanese version.
当院は,大島通線(長友道路)から一本入った所にあります. 駐車場をご用意しておりますので,御車の際はどうぞご利用下さい.
病院前の通りの南側にあるT字路の突き当たりには“西日本スイミングスクール”,また,北側のT字路の角には “ファミリーマート” というコンビニエンスストアがありますので目印になるかと思われます.
すぐ側には南側に“シャトレーゼ宮崎柳丸店”,北東に“ HANDSMAN 柳丸店”,“職安(ハローワーク)”があります. また,大きな目印は“フェニックスガーデン浮の城”です.
国道 10 号線側よりお越しになる際は,江平五叉路(江平五差路)を“宮崎江平郵便局”方向に入り, JR の高架をくぐりますと,約 1kmで左手に見えます.(“宮崎カメラ柳丸店”の次の路地を入ってください.)
Our hospital is equipped fully with the parking lot. So, coming to our hospital by the car is also possible.
When coming to our hospital through a “national highway No.10 line“, please turn in the direction of “Yanagimaru (or Ukinojo)” at the crossing of “Ehira“.(Five-forked road/Five roads meet at that cross.) If it goes straight on then, you will pass through elevated railroad. Furthermore, if it progresses, the Chateraise Miyazaki-Yanagimaru-ten is in a left side. If you turn the next T junction (in front of the Nishinihon-Swimming School) left, our hospital is in a left-hand side.
When coming to our hospital through “Oshima-Tsusen“(local street), please turn in the direction of “Ehira” at the crossing of “Shokuan-Iriguchi“.(Which is in the southwest of “Phoenix Garden Ukinojo“.) And then, at the first T junction (in front of the Nishinihon-Swimming School), please round to the right, and you will be able to see our hospital on left-hand side.
A more detailed map must be got from here.