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当院は,“宮崎公共職業安定所/ハローワーク(通称:職安〈しょくあん〉)”の左斜め前方にあります. タクシーで御来院の際には,“宮崎公共職業安定所”もしくは,“職安”,“ハローワーク”前の元村胃腸科外科(もしくは元村医院)といっていただけるとわかりやすいかと思います.
Most useful-mark is “Hello-Work Miyazaki (which is a “Job placement office”.)“, which is in the diagonal left of our hospital.
So, when you want to come to our hospital, please tell a driver ” To Dr. Motomura’s office which is in front of a job placement office” or ” To Motomura Clinic which is in front of a Hello-Work, Yanagimaru-cho”.
When it does not lead, it may lead, if you read the next sentence with Roman Alphabet reading. “Yanagimaru-cho ni aru syokuan mae no Motomura-ichoukageka made onegai shimasu”
When you do not let you he still understand, please call our office (0985 31 7110) and get him on the telephone. We will announce to him.